Feminization of U.S.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is reprinted from the Medical Tribune of September 18, 1965, because it is felt that the views expressed by Dr. Greenson will be of interest to our readers. Dr. Greenson by the way is the Psychiatrist who remarked to your Editor, after I had gone at some length into the Gender vs. Sex idea and the concept of Dual Personalities, "Virginia, the area you have been discussing has never been adequately explored by psycho analysis." This is not quoted as a compliment to me but because it indicates that while our kind of individuals are well known to psychiatrists, our outlooks and philosophy is not. Fortunately some, like Drs. Greenson and Stoller are working on it.

LOS ANGELES-A psychiatrist here with a special interest in gender concepts believes that American society is getting more feminine as it grows more complex.

"Industrialization, technology, and the population explosion seem to have 'demasculinized' the American male,' with a consequent increase in psychiatric problems related to gender, Dr. Ralph R. Greenson told a meeting of the Southern California Psychiatric Society.

"The Welfare State also seems to act like a mother, taking care of the sick, the aged, and the unemployed," he continued. "This point is made without implying approval or disapproval–it is merely a statement of fact. At the same time there are some indications that women, since they have felt relatively emancipated in recent years, have taken on some traits we have customarily attributed to males."